"As with the 2007, this 2011 is bursting with pleasure right now. Carefully controlled and elegant while still being juicy, allowing the tannins to tiptoe across the palate in that way Haut-Bailly does so well. Fine tannins, well-expressed cassis and blackberry fruits, with a curl of pencil lead and cool ash on the finish. 94/100" - Decanter 2020
"The saturated ruby/purple-hued 2011 Haut-Bailly exhibits a glorious, subtle, noble set of aromatics consisting of red and black currants, sweet cherries, graphite, truffles and a faint hint of wood spice. The wine hits the palate with the profound elegance and purity that have become so much a characteristic under Wilmers and Sanders. Still youthful, with good acidity and freshness, this brilliant, medium-bodied 2011 needs another 4-5 years of bottle age, and should evolve effortlessly for 20-25 years. 94+/100" - The Wine Advocate, Parker
Læs hele beskrivelsen
Bordeaux er et vindistrikt i Frankrig, hvor der årligt produceres 700 millioner flasker vin, heraf 80 % rødvin. Området er delt i tre områder: Venstrebredden, som ligger til venstre for Gironde-floden, hvor druen Cabernet Sauvignon dominerer. Højrebredden, som ligger til højre for Gironde-floden, og her dominerer Merlot-druen. Entre-Deux-Mers, som ligger syd for og mellem de to bredder – her produceres der primært hvidvin. De verdensberømte Sauternes ligger på vestbredden i distriktet Graves. Der findes følgende appellationer i Bordeaux: Médoc, Graves, Entre-Deux-Mers, Saint-Émilion, Fronsac, Bourg, Blaye, Pomerol, Sauternes, Saint-Croix-du-Mont og Cadillac.