Château Ausone Château Ausone - 1. Cru Classé 2006
This wine possesses fabulous fruit and great intensity, but what makes it so special is its precision, focus, and almost ethereal lightness despite substantial flavor intensity and depth.
Læs mereThis wine possesses fabulous fruit and great intensity, but what makes it so special is its precision, focus, and almost ethereal lightness despite substantial flavor intensity and depth.
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"One of the handful of candidates for wine of the vintage is the 2006 Ausone. In fact, while tasting it, I was thinking, is there any estate in Bordeaux that, since 1998, has made as many legendary wines as proprietor Alain Vauthier has at his beloved Ausone? Boasting an inky/blue/purple color as well as an extraordinary, precise bouquet of minerals, flowers, blueberry liqueur, and black currants, this wine possesses fabulous fruit and great intensity, but what makes it so special is its precision, focus, and almost ethereal lightness despite substantial flavor intensity and depth. It is a ballerina with density and power. The abundant noticeable tannin is sweet and, not surprisingly, very finely grained. It should be cellared for a decade, and consumed over the following half century."
– Robert Parker Wine Advocate
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Bordeaux er et vindistrikt i Frankrig, hvor der årligt produceres 700 millioner flasker vin, heraf 80 % rødvin. Området er delt i tre områder: Venstrebredden, som ligger til venstre for Gironde-floden, hvor druen Cabernet Sauvignon dominerer. Højrebredden, som ligger til højre for Gironde-floden, og her dominerer Merlot-druen. Entre-Deux-Mers, som ligger syd for og mellem de to bredder – her produceres der primært hvidvin. De verdensberømte Sauternes ligger på vestbredden i distriktet Graves. Der findes følgende appellationer i Bordeaux: Médoc, Graves, Entre-Deux-Mers, Saint-Émilion, Fronsac, Bourg, Blaye, Pomerol, Sauternes, Saint-Croix-du-Mont og Cadillac.